Here is the Coast Guard’s current rolling schedule, broken up by Sectors or Captain of the Port zones, for the phasing in of enforcement of the TWIC requirements. If you need unescorted access at port facilities or aboard vessels to do your job then you need to have an activated TWIC by these dates. In addition, all mariners should by now have received this deadline notice via snail mail from the C.G. regarding the relationship between the TWIC and the various seaman’s papers (licenses, certificates, STCW letters, etc.) issued by them. These two items are related but separate, so don’t confuse them or the dates. The specific dates for the March – April period will be announced in the Federal Register at least 90 days in advance.
October 15, 2008
Northern New England – New Hampshire & Maine
Boston, Ma. – N.H.-Mass. border to Manomet Point, Ma.
Southern New England – Manomet Point, Ma. to Watch Hill Point, R.I.
October 31, 2008
Buffalo, N.Y.
Detroit, Mi.
Duluth, Mn.
Lake Michigan
Sault Ste. Marie
November 28, 2008
Cape Fear River, N.C.
Corpus Christi, Tx.
North Carolina
Port Arthur, Tx.
December 1, 2008
Long Island Sound
Charleston, S.C.
Savannah, Ga.
Jacksonville, Fl.
December 30, 2008
Baltimore, Md. – all of the Md. portion of the Chesapeake Bay.
Delaware Bay – all of the Delaware Bay & River (De., N.J. & Pa.).
Lower Mississippi River – South of Mile 882.7
Mobile, Al.
Ohio Valley
Pittsburgh, Pa.
San Diego, Ca.
January 13, 2009
Hampton Roads – all of the Va. portion of Chesapeake Bay.
Key West, Fl.
Miami, Fl.
Morgan City, La.
New Orleans, La.
St. Petersburg, Fl.
Upper Mississippi River
February 12, 2009
Honolulu, Hi.
Portland, Or.
Prince William Sound (Ak.)
Puget Sound (Wa.)
San Francisco Bay (Ca.)
Southeast Alaska
Western Alaska
March – April 2009
Los Angeles & Long Beach, Ca.
Houston & Galveston, Tx.
New York
San Juan, P.R. – all of Puerto Rico & the U.S. Virgin Islands.