Photos Of The Week: 12/13/10Dec 13, 20101 min readPassing in front of the statue…..…..and the towers of Wall St. on a warm June morning, the Janice Ann Reinauer crosses the Upper Bay while making for Brooklyn’s Erie Basin. #NewYorkHarbor #JaniceAnnReinauer #NewYorkUpperBay #Brooklyn #ErieBasin #StatueofLiberty #ReinauerTransportationCompany
Passing in front of the statue…..…..and the towers of Wall St. on a warm June morning, the Janice Ann Reinauer crosses the Upper Bay while making for Brooklyn’s Erie Basin. #NewYorkHarbor #JaniceAnnReinauer #NewYorkUpperBay #Brooklyn #ErieBasin #StatueofLiberty #ReinauerTransportationCompany