Photo Of The Week – 12/7/09Dec 7, 20091 min readThe mighty Dorothy J, all 65 feet and 2,000 hp of her, hauls the Weeks 533 past the towers of Jersey City, southbound in the North (Hudson) River, and right by the scene of some very heavy lifting last winter.#HenryMarine #NewYorkHarbor #USAirwaysFlight1549 #HudsonRiver #WeeksMarine #Weeks533 #NorthRiver #JerseyCity #DorothyJ #AirbusA320
The mighty Dorothy J, all 65 feet and 2,000 hp of her, hauls the Weeks 533 past the towers of Jersey City, southbound in the North (Hudson) River, and right by the scene of some very heavy lifting last winter.#HenryMarine #NewYorkHarbor #USAirwaysFlight1549 #HudsonRiver #WeeksMarine #Weeks533 #NorthRiver #JerseyCity #DorothyJ #AirbusA320