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Old-School Plotting & Navigation Tools For The Discriminating Mariner – Part III

How about chart weights and magnifiers? I always hate it when some thoughtless, inconsiderate idiot decides to come in the windward-side door to the pilothouse (especially when it’s me!), sending papers scattering all over the deck. I generally try to keep them firmly affixed to clip boards but they seem to multiply like the proverbial rabbits and there’s always at least a few (or more than a few) stray sheets here and there. Chart magnifiers serve double duty as both paper/chart weights and viewing aids to see small but important details more clearly.

Weems & Plath makes this classy, heavy brass-based 3″ diameter magnifier with a 5x power lens. It’s definitely old-school and, at three-quarters of a pound, you can easily bust a trash-talking deckhand upside the head from across the pilothouse with it as well. It’s available on for $35.99.


Landfall Navigation sells the 3″ diameter / 4x power UltraDome Magnifier from UltraOptix for $35.00 and, while not as old-school in appearance as the model above, it appears to be even more functional as a viewing device.


Celestaire sells the 2.5″ diameter / 4x power Magnabrite light gathering chart magnifier for $22.95, which comes in a protective velvet storage bag. Or…..


… can also get other sizes and products directly from Magnabrite, including this 3.5″ version with a wood base for $59.95. Major bonus points for Magnabrite for being made in the U.S.A., which is also very old-school these days.



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